
Friends of Wireless Hill Volunteer Information


New members are always welcome!


There are many ways you can be involved in our group, from hands-on bushcare on our working days, or assisting with organisational support such as photographing events, typing up documents, preparing a flyer; or helping to organise and coordinate small annual events such as our Planting Day and the Wildflower Walk. 


If you come to do bushcare on our working days, you will participate in activities such as removing weeds (such as veldt grass and gladioli), planting new native trees and shrubs, injecting the native trees against dieback, and other actions to preserve the native plants and animals of the Park. 


If you come to our monthly meetings, you can be involved in discussions and decisions on ways to improve conservation at the park.  And you can contribute to helping organize annual events or undertaking minor administration tasks.


Volunteering with our group is flexible! We value every contribution, whether you only come to an occasional meeting, or come and do bushcare once a year in the Park – whatever amount of time you can contribute is WELCOME!


Bushcare Activities
When : 8.30am to 10:30am, on the second and fourth Sundays of each month, Tuesday mornings
Where : Contact the Friends to find out where to meet (contacts below) 
What you need to bring: Please bring water (to drink), hat, gardening gloves, bread knife (to cut weeds out from under their roots).  We recommend you wear enclosed shoes, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt.


If you can’t make it on a Sunday or Tuesday  - The group works together on Sundays and Tuesdays; however, if other days suit you better, it is possible for someone from the group to show you proper bushcare techniques at another time, so that you can undertake bushcare in your own time.

If you would like information about the Friends of Wireless Hill, volunteering with the Friends of Wireless Hill, or general information about native flora and fauna in the Park please contact one of our volunteers:

Graham Jenke, Convenor (volunteer)
Phone: 0417 174  053
Email: grahampjenke@gmail.com

Margaret Matthews, Secretary  (volunteer)
Phone: 0402 105 649
Email: s3mmatthews@hotmail.com