Wireless Hill Park is a regionally significant area of bushland listed as “Bush Forever” Site, No 336. The bushland includes Banksia and Eucalypt woodlands as well as shrublands and provides habitat for many species of birds and reptiles. In Spring, the Park provides extensive displays of native wildflowers, including outstanding examples of the Western Australian floral emblem, the Red and Green Kangaroo Paw, Anigozanthos manglesi and many species of orchid.
Some of the orchids found at Wireless Hill include:
~ Donkey Orchids (Diuris sp.)
~ Spider & Cowlsip Orchids (Caladenia sp.)
~ Sun Orchids (Thelymitra sp.)
~ Rattlebeak Orchids (Lyperanthus sp.)
To see pictures of these orchids and other wildflowers, native plants and animals please visit the gallery.
To read the full list of wildflowers and native plants in Wireless Hill Park, click here.
The habitat required for orchids is very specific and complex. Each orchid species lives in association with particular types of microorganisms that live in the soil, for example a type of fungi. Further, each orchid species has its own pollinator, for example the pollinator may be only one species of native wasp, or native bee.
The orchids are just one part of a very complex ecosystem, and all parts of the ecosystem need each other to survive.